Monday, July 13, 2009

Hello fellow readers,

It has been awhile since I've updated my blog so I figured its about time. Unfortunately the only thing I've had on my mind lately is something that happened this past Friday night.

I was at my friend Rory's house with some pals. It was a nice evening full of laughs and very few mosquitoes (surprisingly). Its about 10:30pm when my phone rings. Now I LOVE when my phone rings because it rarely does, and its always a nice surprise. This time (little did I know) it was not a nice surprise. I pull my phone out of my pocket and the caller ID read "Ewan Toronto" (aka my ex's toronto number). For the 2 seconds before I answer my mind races with all the possible reasons for him to be calling me considering he HATES my guts and refuses to talk to me..."maybe he's had a change of heart and wants to be friends", "maybe he's calling to tell me to stop trying to talk to him", or least likely "maybe he wants me back". Of course it was none of the above. It wasn't even him on the line. It was his friend, drunk, and wondering how I am. WHAT THE FUCK? Was my exact thought. He tries to start up a conversation with me about how life is and such. Then he says "Do you want to talk to Ewan?" Now, first of all, this is one of his best friends, so he knows that Ewan does NOT want to talk to me. So I said "He doesn't want to talk to me." But he kept insisting even though I kept saying no. Now You're probably thinking "Anna, how dumb are you? Why didn't you hang up?" well...I DON'T KNOW. Something just kept me on the phone...and maybe it was the drinks...but it was something. Finally Ewan grabbed the phone from his friend, having no idea who was on the other end. He said "who is this?" so I responded with "who's this?" "Ewan.." "Oh I'm sorry...its Anna" "Oh uh..sorry for waking you at this late hour. Jay was supposed to call Judy for a ride. We're wasted." "I wasn't sleeping..." "Well bye" *click*. So ever since that night my mind has been going crazy. I should just forget about it and move on. I don't know why this is becoming increasingly hard for me. I tried moving on by seeing other people, by spending time with the girls and other friends...and it was working. I just feel like that phone call has brought me back to where I was a few months ago. Feeling super crappy. Mother fucking ex's ruining my nights...NOT EVEN ON PURPOSE! What are the chances?


  1. LOL ! Well, moving on or what not only happens when you MOVE ON! people will always tell you that you need to move on and let go, my reply was " oh really, no, man you guy is a genius! so that's all i have to do, move on and let go, jeez man thanks! wehw " (with the utmost level of sarcasm)

    You have that gut feeling :p the one where you feel that there is a vacuum inside your stomach sucking your guts out. hearing his voice didn't help the vacuum either.

    All i have to say is, it will go away! sooner than you think it will! Just stop trying to force it out , it will happen naturally!

  2. Thanks cousin! I know its happening...slowly but surely.
